Wednesday, March 12, 2008

WRC:AI - Top 12 perfs

paula wast-o-meter: 6.5

finally we're all on the same night and i don't have to keep watching the girls late.

carly - awesome
brooke - how can you not love this girl?
Amanda - great
chikezie - the only time so far that i've liked him
david cook - alright, maybe...
jason - marry me!
Sayesha - i think she started off in a different key than the band
Ramiele - pleasant but boring. Zomg! i wrote that before randy said almost the exact same thing!
David Archuleta - wuh oh. the dreaded forgotten lyrics.

David Hernandez - an emergency test came on the air and shut him up and i was grateful.
Michael Johns - bored.
Kristy Lee Cook - i didn't think she was that terrible, but she's probably going home.

** i'm nervous that d.archuleta might get effed for forgetting the lyrics. :\

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