Wednesday, April 11, 2007

SRC: Top 8 Performances - ALL J.LO EDITION!!!

Latin Night. Guest "Mentor" - J.Lo. I'm not sure if a vocal mentor...makes much sense to me...but it's brought the all J.Lo edition of Spring Reality Corner, so I am thankful.

ps - i would've paid to see Gina do Latin Night

MELINDA - J.Lo is all "I'm from the Bronx. Girl, you sexy!"
LAKISHA - J.Lo is all "I'm a dancer, I was a Fly Girl."
CHRIS - J.Lo is all "Hablo espanol! I could buy this white boy!"
HALEY - J.Lo is all "This ho sucks. I better lend her an outfit. Shoot."
NOSPHILATU - J.Lo is all "I rode on the 6. I've never seen a guy as creepy as you."
JORDIN - J.Lo is all "I'm Jenny from the block. I will teach you to be a woman."
BLAKE - J.Lo is all "Don't you dare sing my husband Marc Anthony's song. Oh, just kidding. It's okay."
SANJAYA - J.Lo is all "Girl!"

I hope the bottom three is Haley Phil and Sanjaya.

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