Friday, April 25, 2008


previously: 6 girls went to rome, stacy anne went home. in case you are wondering if things aren't gonna translate well over there, lauren immediately tells us she doesn't fit in. phew! thank god! i was worried we'd never hear that again. while getting out of the bus, anya either forgot you have to step down off a bus, or thought she was skydiving, because she hilariously falls face first onto the stree.t

before we continue, i should just let everyone know that' i'm drunk typing. plaeze excuse typos...ui wrote this when i was sober..i'm just typing when i'm drizzle

-- for the tyra mail, they photoshopped tyr'as face on the mona lisa. for real. mmhm.

fatima is sick (always somehthing with this one) the girls get a rome tour on segways. there is much hilarious falling. after the tour, they are taken back to gai mattiolo's for a challenge. they must impress him with their ability to adapt to italian style with italian makeovers. winner gets a dress for a 'red carpet event'. anya wins again.

the girls hve their covergirl shoot in itailisn this week. lauen is petrified because covergirl is 'so not her'..considering how much ocvergirl is involved with the winner...maybe she should have thought of this earlier. needleass to say, she does terribly. dominique is terrifying, anya is average bad for this challenge, katarzyna is impressive, fatima complains about bieng sick but really impresses the direcor and whiteny is too fake. can i just note that when they are all watching lauren's video in panel, you can see katarzyna cracking up at how awful it is in the background. that is my girl. sppeaking of my girl, , she getscalled up and says "i think its' time for another leson on how to say my name"...nice! tyra's all "you're talking a lot today" then, the judges all praise her commercial, but tyra insists that it's boring. she then gets the other girls to group mock kataryna, and THEN dismisses her sying her name wrogn AGAIN! what a cunt. katarzyna tries to get her to say ti right and stupid tyra says 'whatever, go". i hate tyra.

anya is covergirl of the week.

fats is called first, katarzyna secod (tyras still aying her name wrong, katarzyna is not pleased) then anya and dominique. leaving plus size v. awkward. lauren is too awkward, whitney is too fake. tyra sticks with what she knows though and whitney stays. tune in next week when something happens and someone goes home!

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